I want to select a downloaded font to regular text on my vault. My theme (AnuPpuccin) has an option to change it, but I don’t want to be dependent to it, so I prefer a snippet.
Things I have tried
I’m using this css snippet:
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-scroller {
font-family: “Space Grotesk”, monospace;
font-weight: lighter;
I’ve got an unexpected issue: “font-weight” value will affect headers as well, even considering I use a different font for them. How can I “filter” the code to change just regular text?
I don’t know specifically for the body, but you’ll have to isolate that element. It might be as simple as styling the <p> element.
The CSS guide is here: CSS snippets - Obsidian Help I can’t quickly find anything specific to <p> or regular text.
This is the first potential result I found, but the CSS did change quite a bit for version 1.0. How to adjust the line height with CSS? - #6 by GLight This links is just to show that there are some structured variables you can use to point at different elements, and Reading View vs. Editing View, etc.
As rigmarole suggested, we can easily add a p to .markdown-preview-view p { } to target paragraphs only, in Reading View anyway, but it shouldn’t be necessary here.
Using Anuppuccin and a slightly altered version of your CSS,
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-scroller {
font-family: 'iA Writer Duo S';
font-weight: 900;
.markdown-preview-view p {
font-family: 'iA Writer Duo S';
font-weight: 900;
I’m not seeing a font-weight change for the headings in Editing or Reading Views:
font-weight: 100 →
font-weight: 900 →
Also in your own CSS, I’d stick to numbers. These lightest, lighter, etc., seem to be defined in the Anu theme.
There are a bunch of Style Settings as well to play with, including ones for individual heading weights.
Just a guess, but I suspect your other heading CSS (defining the font) or some Style Settings may be conflicting in some way. You could try putting the custom heading CSS, with a font-weight property, under this CSS as that will be applied last, or poke around the Anuppuccin Style Settings.