Is this the most efficient formatting approach to how I'd like to my notes organized?

I’d like my notes to end up being organized in the graph view like this:

r/ObsidianMD - Is this the most efficient way to organize my notes?

Which has me setting up my notes as follows:

r/ObsidianMD - Is this the most efficient way to organize my notes?

I see two minor inefficiencies here, the first is that I have to create a separate note for the Folder name, and the second is that I have to make sure to manually link to that ‘folder note’ in every other relevant note.

Neither of these are terrible, I just wanted to make sure this is the best way to go about it before I really start importing all of my thoughts.

Curious: what information are you seeking to get out of your graph?

I’m asking because generally, the graph should tell you new things about your notes. If you already know what you want your graph to look like, you may be missing on getting much out of the graph feature.

The graph can also be used to help you remember things much later from now. Are you looking to discover information or find information?