Is there a way to store the .obsidian folder outside the vault folder

I had been wondering this myself, so I just moved the .obsidian file from its vault to the parent vault.(double-checked it was deleted from vault_A)

Previous Folder structure

So in Obsidian with Open folder as vault I open My_Vaults instead of vault_A

  • vault_A inherits any plugins etc. from My_Vaults
  • By syncing vault_A (NOT My_Vaults) you avoid ¨…changes made in the workspace…" as the file is in the folder above it.

Any major changes to .obsidian such as new plugins you will now either have to sync manually OR change your sync occasionally from vault_a → My_Vaults.
This was just a quick test and I’ve switched back whilst pondering the implications.



“Choose Sync only these folders to specify what to sync”

from …