Is there a way to export a large mermaid diagram into a sinagle image or a single page-that-fits-the-entire-diagram PDF?

Is there a way to export a large mermaid diagram into a sinagle image or a single page-that-fits-the-entire-diagram PDF?

Things I have tried

I tried exporting the note as PDF but the page size doesn’t have an option that is like “as large as needed for the content even if it is not an actual paper size”.

What I’m trying to do

I’m using Obsidian to create sequence diagrams so I have my reasoning text alongside my diagrams (they live in their own notes and are rendered with the text, I forgot the name for this). Sometimes I need to share my diagram to other people and I’d like to be able to create an PNG or a PDF (type doesn’t matter) that contains the entire diagram without separating into pages, in case of PDFs.

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