I’ve been using ChatGPT to find various ways to display files created and modified today in my Daily Notes, but it’s not working correctly. Initially, I thought it would show only the files for that specific day, but it accumulates files from previous days. For example, if I created and modified a file on September 24th, it continues to display that file on September 26th even if I didn’t make any changes. Please help…
TABLE file.size as 크기, file.ctime as 생성시간, file.mtime as 수정시간
FROM "/"
sort file.ctime desc
Where date(2023-09-24) - file.ctime < dur(0 day)
Where date(2023-09-24) - file.mtime < dur(0 day)
Using it this way results in cumulative values
TABLE file.size as 크기, file.ctime as 생성시간, file.mtime as 수정시간
FROM "/"
WHERE date(file.ctime) = date(2023-09-24) AND date(file.mtime) = date(2023-09-24)
Even when used like this, it returns “No results” despite having results. There are no issues with the path or files at all.
Help me…