Is there a feature thatAutomatically add/delete tag after certain period of tiem

Hi I am using obsidian for my kitchen management

so here we have “Frequency of usage” ‘expiring fast’ and ‘not easy to get expired’ on the first row to help categorizing all the spices I have. For each spice I would create a smaller table specifying the quantity in the inventory and the date of expiration. Furthermore I use the tag #in need for replenish to keep track of what should I buy in the supermarket (basically how it works is that I just open the local graph at the main menu and filter for #in need for replenish).

I find two potential community plugin realy helpful 1. a plugin that allows automaticallty creating tags $in need of replenishment after the produce expires 2. a plugin that allows me to delete a single tag in multiple files easily.

If someone can leave me a link as to how to create the community plugin for obsidian down here I think I can spend some time on that to make it it shouldn’t be anything harder than some if statements for coding. For the latter one I think there should be some tag management out there that fits me perfectly (but I just couldn’t find the right one)

either way I am grateful for any response !