Is there a documentation for JS scripting?

Context: I would like to have a pinned tab with the current daily note (updated continuously to account for day changes).

I saw a few discussions/guides around this topic, notably:

I would like to take the code in the first link and try to adapt it to my case of a pinned tab.

My question: is there a place where the various JS functions are documented? In my case I would need a function to open a new tab, pin this tab, … similar to const leaf = app.workspace.getRightLeaf(false); in the later bar example.

I am not sure how the JS scripting integrates with Obsidian: is this a built-in functionality (with QuickAdd being a mechanism to place the JS file in the right place and Obsidian takes it from there), or an additional feature → thus my question about a general documentation about scripting.

In the docs here: