Hey everyone,
As a student, I’m trying to move on from taking handwritten notes on my iPad with GoodNotes, since the process of transitioning my notes into flashcards is very tedious and it doesn’t synchronise well with my Windows PC. In the end, I don’t need to have perfect looking notes if there’s no way to actually learn from them. Currently I’m taking a note during class and then basically never looking at it again. When an exam rolls around I just google everything, so my notes really aren’t of any use. But typed notes are quite different because personally I can understand a topic way better if I don’t have to decipher my handwriting first and when there’s no structure.
I’ve thought about moving on to Notion, but the same issue regarding Anki integration persists, as well as no backlinking and interconnected thoughts, so I’m only using it for my personal dashboard for now.
Since then, I’ve discovered RemNote and thought it’d be almost the ideal fit: Syncs between devices and I can take notes and create flashcards at the same time
However, some users pointed out that there are quite many bugs still with some cards not showing up at all for example while reviewing them, and the paywall for some features is also a bit concerning for me, as well as security issues that were also pointed out. Lastly, I feel as if the design is still a bit cluttered, but I guess that could improve with time.
But for every problem that I leave behind in switching to Obsidian, a new one appears: Namely no easy way to sync between my iPad and my PC, so I’d have to take my notes in a separate markdown application that can export to icloud in real time, (the only one I found eliminates all of the useful features of Obsidian, and ruins the notetaking process) Therefore the friction would probably be too great to ever make use of that system. I just can’t afford the 50€ to pay for the mobile beta, as well as not having a credit card, paypal or wechat. But then again Obsidian also has these really cool features like Back-linking and that knowledge graph, which I really like and with the Anki plugin creating flashcards is a breeze. Also the future-proofing through just using markdown files is really great! So I’m really liking the PC version & would love to use it in school, but I can’t seem to find an easy way.
I ideally want a future workflow that looks like this: Create simple hierarchical notes, review flashcards based upon them and be able to interconnect all my knowledge. Maybe I’m also just asking for too much, I don’t know.
In the end, I just really don’t know which application is best suited for my needs and I’d be extremely grateful for any advice! I’m currently thinking that I’ll probably have to use RemNote, but maybe any of you have some advice thanks a lot in advance