Is it possible to style code blocks in Source mode based on block's language?

What I’m trying to do


I’m stuck with writing css to style custom language code block in source mode.

I have a css (please see below) that defines a custom language for a code block and specifies the styling that only applies to that language’s code blocks.

For example, markdown ```pink Hello pink world!``` in Reading mode shows the text in the code block in pink. The pink font colour applies only to ‘pink’-code block. This works. Happy with that.

But when I try to create/find a css to apply a special style to the “pink” code blocks in Source mode I fail.

The main problem is that I can’t figure out how to refer to the code’s language in the Source mode selectors? Is it even possible?

Things I have tried

The css that works for the view mode but does not work for edit mode (my attempts to refer to the language commented out, don’t work)

  --text-pink: rgb(226, 85, 161);
  --text-green: rgb(77, 171, 154);
/*styling for language 'pink' that applies in view mode*/
.app-container .markdown-preview-view pre.language-pink code.language-pink, .pink {color: var(--text-pink);}

/*wanting to apply styling only to language 'pink' code but not knowing how to do that, so generic styling applies to any code block in source mode*/
.markdown-source-view.mod-cm6 .cm-hmd-codeblock 
/* reference to the language goes here, but how? pre.language-pink? .pink ? */
{ background-color: transparent;color: var(--text-green);}

If you look at the tree (DOM) in reading view there’s the pre class with languages we can hook onto:

Nothing like that in the editor unfortunately:

I think you’d need a community plugin to take care of code blocks in the editor.

Thank you ariehen.

Indeed, looks like there is no way to access to the code language in the html generated for the edit view.

Will try and find a suitable plugin then.

CodeblockCustomizer does the trick.

I can define my custom languages and specify the font colour, as well as background.