Is it possible to have a table of features?

Say I have these notes:

%%Note A%%
feature:: [[feature 1]] 
feature:: [[feature 2]]

%%Note B%%
feature:: [[feature 2]] 
feature:: [[feature 3]]

Is there a way to have a table like this?

Note A Note B
Feature 1 :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Feature 2 :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Feature 3 :x: :heavy_check_mark:

It’s possible to do stuff like that using Dataview where you could combine checking the contents of inline fields using contains() and possibly to use map on the list of features you want to check for.

It’s a little harder to allow for a random set of feature to be listed in separate rows like you suggests, but an easy way to do that would be to do something like:

WHERE feature
FLATTEN flat(list(feature)) as aFeature
GROUP BY aFeature

That would give you a list of the various features, where each list item would have a list of links to the files having that feature. This simple query could be transformed into a table, but having the dynamic columns is yet again slightly trickier in a plain DQL query.