Is it possible to have a “master note” that updates itself when a note is added to a folder?


Is it possible to have a “master note” that updates itself when a note is added to a folder?

I would like to create a light crm in obsidian, having a template that I fill as a new contact is added, and be able to list each of these contacts in a single master note.

Of course, ideally, I would like to be able to organize the contacts in the master note according to certain information: contact to recontact, contact to recontact on such subject, budget of the contact, mood (emoji) of the contact…


The Zootelkeeper plugin can do that. You’ll be able to display contact and budget info etc. with Dataview queries.

you can do this with the Dataview plugin. In your “Master” Note, you’d add a querry looking for notes that are Contacts. e.g.

TABLE Contacts, Priority, Initial_call, Follow_up
SORT Priority desc

In your contact notes, you’d need some Meta data…
this might go in one contact note

Contact:: Mr. D. Jones
Priority:: 1
Initial_call:: 2022/10/2
followup_call:: 2022/11/3

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Thanks to you, this is a good opportunity to learn dataview
I’m going to dive into it.

Waypoint plugin is another option.

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As I don’t have a very high number of customers or prospects, it can be the simplest and lightest solution,
But as I have other files to sort, I think that using dataview to sort some information of my vault would be more relevant,
It’s the dilemma of keeping things simple or use a sledgehammer to crack a nut

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