Is it possible to export notes containing callouts to mediawiki using the pandoc plugin?

Greetings, i have been experimenting with pandoc in order to figure out how its export functionality works.

What I’m trying to do

I have documented a bunch of work related notes and i want to export these notes to a private mediawiki. Each note contains several callouts that contain some information that users may or may not want to access. After some research, i came across pandoc and its community plugin that allows markdown files to be exported as other types such as mediawiki. My current issue is that callouts from obsidian are not supported out of the box and my goal right now is to figure out a good format that mediawiki can use that converts obsidian callouts to something similar.

Things I have tried

The first thing i tried is something suggested from this post where one creates a lua-script file that pandoc uses as a filter. The only issue is that the poster only gave a general answer to a simple filter and hasn’t really pointed towards any specific guides in exporting to mediawiki.

The pandoc documentation is also generic and most of their examples revolve around HTML (atleast to those that i found).

Given my current research on this matter, is it even possible to export obsidian’s callouts to mediawiki in a way that mediawiki’s functionality is similar to callouts (folding content, unique titles, etc)?