Is it possible to create a table where one column contains a link to a note, and another column is populated with all the tags from within each note?

What I’m trying to do

I’m currently trynig to achieve this with Notion-Like-Tables. However, I haven’t worked out if it’s possible or not? Open to looking into new ways if someone has a suggestion

Things I have tried

Notion-Like Tables → no solution found
Dataview → no solution found, plus i do not know if, once successful, if I could update the table with a new row?

What kind of dataview queries have you tried? Which files would you like to include in such a query?

I have a note called ‘Research’ that includes a bullet point list of notes. Each note has a tag in it that describes a topic, for example #news. What I want is the ability to see what tags are attached to each note from ‘Research’ before clicking into each note. Also worth mentioning that each note in the ‘Research’ is contained in a folder called ‘Research’.

Notion-Like-Tables looks like a really good way to do this if there was a way to populate a column with the tags easily?

Any ideas on this?

Using Dataview, the following will give you a table with the first column being a link to every note linked from Research, and the second column will be the tags in each file:

TABLE file.etags as "Tags" 
FROM outgoing([[Research]])

If you have nested tags (like #Foo/Bar, #Bat/Baz), file.etags will list them as their combined tags:

  • #Foo/Bar
  • #Bat/Baz

whereas if you used file.tags it would show each tag level:

  • #Foo
  • #Foo/Bar
  • #Bat
  • #Bat/Baz

If you want to instead have the table show all files that link to ‘Research’, just remove the outgoing() portion of the query:

TABLE file.etags as "Tags" 
FROM [[Research]]

You can also combine them and even negate the selection criteria. For example, the following will list all files that are linked to Research but not linked from Research:

TABLE file.etags as "Tags" 
FROM outgoing([[Research]]) AND ![[Research]]

Hope this helps!

thanks for the help. After doing some research I’ve decided db folder has the functionality i need. It allows you to create a db that contains all the note, and I can add a new row, and it creates the row and a corresponding note :slight_smile:

This sheet was helpful to compare db options: Feature comparison of Obsidian database plugins - Google Sheets

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