iOS Share Sheet extension does not work reliably

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch the app
  2. Minimize
  3. Leave app running in background for several hours without force closing
  4. Trigger Obsidian from share sheet in any app

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? Yes

Expected result

App comes to foreground and displays an action sheet with “insert into current note”, “insert into daily note”, etc

Actual result

App comes to foreground but action sheet is not displayed


Operating system: ios 16.5 (Apple iPhone)
Obsidian version: 1.4.5 (104)
API version: v1.3.3
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: none
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on


Additional information

I realize this is probably going to be hard to reproduce, so here are some things that may be relevant:

  • I have several sync’ed remote vaults on device
  • I have a custon name for my daily notes
  • It works fine if the app was force closed before triggered the share action, or if the app was recently in the foreground
  • I’m using an iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • I tried launching a bunch of different apps before sharing to force iOS to suspend the app to disk through memory pressure, but that doesn’t seem to be working so far :expressionless:

Bug still occurs in latest version.


There’s a issue I’ve encountered where the insert into note dialog cannot override reading mode and will silently discard the shared content


This is probably deserving of its own bug report, but I happened to see it so this will be fixed for the next mobile build. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!


Just wanted to let you know that the issue is still occurring for me. I’d be happy try beta builds with debug logging or such if that’s an option.


I’m still getting this bug. I desperately wish it would work. I keep trying to find alternative ways to make this work using my own methods, such as shortcuts, only to find out that this affects those too! The Actions for Obsidian app adds iOS Shortcuts for Obsidian but just like with the share sheet, I almost always have to run it twice. I really want to get into PKM as a hobby but this is really holding me back.

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Bump. Bug still occurs on the latest version of Obsidian iOS 1.5.8.

This bug is extremely annoying to me because I often share things into a Daily Note when I’m in a hurry. This bug means I have to do it twice most of the time.

Obsidian iOS 1.5.8

If you have reproducible steps for this, let us know. We are aware of a problem when the note is reading mode.

Let me know if this is fixed when you get 1.5.14+. We are making some changes.

This a really annoying issue for me, and the vagueness of the marked “solution” comes across as dismissive.

  1. Is there a fix coming?
  2. When? Obsidian on iOS doesn’t exactly have a breakneck release schedule.
  1. Yes, we worked on this
  2. No ETAs. Sorry

Sorry, I didn’t get notified about the replies. This issue is still occuring for me.

We fixed the a regarding ios share sheet. Please open a new bug report and attach a screen recording of it happening if possible.

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