iOS 18 beta: incorrect typing

Steps to reproduce

Create a new vault on iOS 18

Start typing and it will happen.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? y

Expected result

Typing to not cause weird characters to be out of place.

Actual result

Letters get out of place.


	Operating system: ios 18.0 (Apple iPhone16,1)
	Obsidian version: 1.6.4 (146)
	API version: v1.6.4
	Login status: not logged in
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: adapt to system
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


Additional information


I am not 100% sure there is a bug here.
This is some messup created by the autocorrect. At watchin You pressed t, instead of g , the word was pre-completed/autocorrected to watching but the cursor stayed before the g. Then you pressed space.

Please send a bug report/feedback to Apple.

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Will do. :slight_smile: Thanks