Invisible square brackets and parentheses

Hello again,

Working in Obsidian and getting irritated, I thought I could deal with it, but it’s getting to the point of ridiculous now… see here:

See the parentheses and square brackets between the sections of text? Neither do I. Oh, yes, true, if you squint real hard and move your head from side to side like an owl, you’ll eventually see them, but that is ridiculous, you can’t work that way.

I imagine its fairly easy to change the colour, which would help, but why do the characters need to be 2 atoms thick? Would be better if they were of normal thickness as well.

Thanking you in advance.

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Try the following CSS snippet and let me know if it works. From color of links in your screen-shot it seems you are already using some CSS theme/snippet so they might need to be edited to avoid overwriting one solution by the other.
Using CSS snippets in Obsidian is documented in: Add custom styles

This snippet was extracted from
and modified.

.theme-dark {
  --text-accent: #ffd019; /* originally #fe8019 */ /* color of links */
  --text-accent-hover: #83a598;
  --text-normal: #ffffd7; /* color of ordinary text */
  --text-muted: #d5c4a1;

/*             link              */

/* link */
.cm-url {
  text-decoration: none !important;

/* the url string in editor */
  color: var(--text-accent-hover) !important;

/* make external links italics to differentiate */
a:not(.internal-link) {
  font-style: italic;

.cm-s-obsidian pre.HyperMD-footnote,
.cm-s-obsidian {
  color: var(--text-accent) !important; 

/* basic format in EDITOR and PREVIEW */

/* emphasis in preview and editor */
em, .cm-em {
  color: var(--text-muted);
  font-style: italic;

/* strikethrough in preview and editor */
s, .cm-strikethrough {
  color: var(--text-muted);

/*              Brackets               */

.cm-s-obsidian {
  color: var(--text-accent) !important;