Internal links not working with spaces in titles + Missing “File Explorer” plugin

Hi everyone,

I suspect I may have encountered a bug in Obsidian, and I’d like to confirm if this behavior is expected or if there’s something wrong in my setup.

  1. Internal links with spaces not working

When I try to create internal links to sections within the same note, and the titles contain spaces, the links fail to work.

For example:

## Section Title  
[Go to Section](#section-title)  

Clicking the link results in the error:

“Unable to find section-title.”

This issue occurs in both edit mode and preview mode.

  1. Missing “File Explorer” plugin

In my Core Plugins, I don’t see “File Explorer” listed. Instead, I have “File” and “File Recovery.”

Could this be related to the linking issue?

What I’ve tried

• Tested the same setup in a new Vault → Links worked correctly there.

• Ensured I have the latest version of Obsidian installed.

• Disabled all community plugins to rule out conflicts.


• Obsidian version: [Version 1.7.7 (Installer 1.5.12)]

• OS: [Sonoma 14.6.1 (23G93)]

Is this a known bug, or is there some specific setup I should be aware of? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Not a bug. This is not the format obsidian uses for links to headings when using standard markdown links.

If you’re using the markdown format for your internal links, per the documentation, you need to URL encode the blank spaces :blush:.

If i use your example:

## Section Title  
Some content here...

This is what the link to ## Section Title should look like:

[Section Title](#Section%20Title)
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Thanks PCH for adding a more complete answer!

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In Obsidian, to handle spaces in non Wiki links, you can also wrap the link in <>. For example…

[Go to Section](<#Section Title>)

… would link to the following section of your note…

## Section Title  
Some content here...

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The Better Markdown Links might also help with that …

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