Interface and text font families should be independent?

Use case or problem

More of an observation of functionality. When I set the Interface font I expected just the ui elements to change and the editor to be left alone. Later taking a look at the description of Interface font I see it’s working as intended, but consider the following case:

A user wants to customise the interface/ui font but likes the default font in the editor. Here they would have to research / open the dev console to find the true default and then set the override Text font in settings.

I’m not sure how often this situation would arise. so whether this should be changed is up for debate.

Proposed solution

How it behaves:

body {
  --font-text: var(--font-text-override), var(--font-text-theme), var(--font-interface);

versus how I expected it to behave:

body {
  --font-text: var(--font-text-override), var(--font-text-theme), var(--font-default);

Current workaround (optional)

CSS snippet:

body {
  --font-text: var(--font-text-override), var(--font-text-theme), var(--font-default);