Instead of double-square brackets [[ ]] , use the "at" sign @, but after we select the file, turn it back into [[]]

Use case or problem

@ is faster. It takes less time than typing [[.

We can automatically place it behind any word and it will trigger a search just as it would with [[.

Notion users know what I mean, right?

Proposed solution

  1. If you type @ and a word that matches something in the vault, show a menu of which file to select.
  2. Click the file
  3. The editor will automatically turn it back into MD format after the selection

Current workaround (optional)

I don’t know. If there’s a plugin that does this, then I’d be happy to download that instead.

Related feature requests (optional)

is it really?

Anyway, moved to plugin ideas.


i would enjoy that one too … to me it’s more ergonomic …
has this been implemented by someone ?

well, if you have an european keyboard too, i agree with you :innocent:
i would need a modfifier key+L . Just one keystroke than two. Oh, Notion too? well, Obs, i personally like Obsidian more

If you have the vault and internal links companions of the Various Complements plugin enabled, you don’t need to type in any character symbols at all, the Wikilinks will be automatically inserted.