Insider build - mobile - download link


[x] iOS
[ ] Android

According to Insider builds - Obsidian Help, to install insider builds for mobile, I have to:
“4. In the #insider-mobile channel, open Pinned Messages .”

Maybe I’m missing something here but…

  • there’s no #insider-mobile channel at discord
  • there’s no download link for insider build in pinned messages of #mobile channel

How am I supposed to download the insider builds?

Thank you

There is a #insider-mobile. Did you get the insider role added to your Discord account? Should have been an option when you bought the license to connect and give you there role.

Once you have the role the channel is shown and you can access the pin with the details.


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I must have missed it somehow. Anything I can do now?

Go to and click on “Get Discord badge” in the Catalyst section.

OK, so far so good: I now get to see the #insider-mobile channel. But in the pinned messages section I can only find an .apk package for android. Where can I find the download for iOS?

In the second pin on that channel, at the end of that message is the link.

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Great, thanks :+1:

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