Input separated by comme as input for table

First of all apologies if this is incredibly simple…but it has cost me the better part of one day and I still haven’t figured it out.

What I’m trying to do

In my weekly note, I want to have a simple line entry of some habits. Examples.
Exercise:: type, duration, distance
Exercise:: Walk, 20 min, 2.0 Km
Exercise:: Run, 60 min, 10.0 Km

Ideally, I would like to add other types, and instead of distance the number of repetitions.

In my monthly overview, I would like to have a dataview table showing the exercises duration and distance per type.

Things I have tried

TABLE exercise
FROM "2.0 CALENDAR/2.3 Periodic Notes"
WHERE exercise != null



TABLE Type, Duration, Distance 
FROM "2.0 CALENDAR/2.3 Periodic Notes" 
WHERE exercise != null 
FLATTEN split(exercise, ", ") AS parts 
WHERE length(parts) >= 2


efforts like:
TABLE Type, Duration, Distance
FROM “2.0 CALENDAR/2.3 Periodic Notes”
WHERE exercise != null
FLATTEN regexmatch(“^(.*?), (\d+ min), (\d+ K)$”, exercise) AS parts
LET Type = parts[0]
LET Duration = parts[1]
LET Distance = parts[2]

only provided error message. I also tried a ‘slice’ command but haven’t been able to create anything useful. Hopefully the community can help/


Note the difference between FLATTEN split(...) as parts and FLATTEN list(split(...)) as parts. The former would perform the split, and then expand each row to every part it split out into. The latter will keep the list, allowing for using parts[0] as type, parts[1] as duration, and so on.

So try the following:

TABLE parts, Type 
FROM "2.0 CALENDAR/2.3 Periodic Notes" 
WHERE exercise != null 
FLATTEN list(split(exercise, "\s*,\s*")) AS parts 
WHERE length(parts) >= 2
FLATTEN parts[0] as Type

In addition to just splitting on the comma, I also ignore the whitespace characters surrounding the comma. The table should produce the parts list and just the Type as proof of concept.

Thank you for your quick reply. Again, I cannot stress enough how new and inexperienced I am at this.

Your suggestions gave me this:

How can I get this latest result to the same format as the second image above, i.e. with headers and filled-in data for type, duration and distance?

Try this then:

TABLE Type, Duration, Distance
FROM "2.0 CALENDAR/2.3 Periodic Notes" 
WHERE exercise != null 
FLATTEN list(split(exercise, "\s*,\s*")) AS parts 
WHERE length(parts) >= 2
FLATTEN parts[0] as Type
FLATTEN parts[1] as Duration 
FLATTEN parts[2] as Distance

@holroy Thanks so much this is what I was looking for:

@holroy I did notice that when I have multiple entries for exercise in a file, it doesn’t pick them up, only when there is only one entry. Any suggestions on how to correct this?

Try this one:

TABLE Type, Duration, Distance
FROM "2.0 CALENDAR/2.3 Periodic Notes" 
WHERE exercise != null 
FLATTEN flat(list(exercise)) as oneExercise
FLATTEN list(split(oneExercise, "\s*,\s*")) AS parts 
WHERE length(parts) >= 2
FLATTEN parts[0] as Type
FLATTEN parts[1] as Duration 
FLATTEN parts[2] as Distance

The flat(list(...)) ensures that it’s always considered a list which is then reliably flattened into each oneExercise.

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@holroy That’s it. Thanks for all your help.


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