INGEST thru chrome extension, sending elements/url/image/media thru obsidian: email link to a different obsidian device

The idea is this. At work, all day. Please hear me out. I see things i want to send to my personal obsidian – but i can’t just add it at work. I’d like for there to be a chrome extension that can formulate a LINK that can be sent to my email for the page/pdf/image/media/selected text/screenshot/etc in the current web page…

So, the chrome extension would pop open a NEW email addressed to myself, containing an obsidian link formatted so that when i later on follow tat obsidian link in my email, i’ll be on the device that my personal obsidian resides on, and when i follow that link, it will OPEN obsidian, and the link will instruct obsidian to INGEST the url/web page/web page screenshot/pdf/image/media or whatever elements were indicated by the user’s selection process at the time of using the extension. And Obsidian will ask the user if they want to put the ingested info into a new note, or an existing note, and or if there’s a direct link to MEDIA of some kind, ask it you want to ingest the LINK to that web-located media, or actually download the media it points to.

So, in chrome, right click on an address, or tab, or a selected paragraph/section of the web page, or a link to a pdf, or an image, or a downloadable video, or other file type, and there’d be a contextual menu item “Send to Obsidian via email”, the chrome extension would create an obsidian: link and create the necessary parameters formatted into that link, so when the target device opens it, and it launches obsidian, passing the link to it, obsidian will know how to proceed ingesting the intended info, prompting the user for the necessary info such as which vault/note/folder or whatever.

Thanks for listening.

An additional benefit for this is being able to cc: a friend or fellow researcher with that same obsidian: ingress link