Feature request to be able to increase the heading level of all headings in selection / under a specific heading (H1 → H2, H2 → H3, etc.)
Use case or problem
I find myself frequently in a situation where I need to introduce a higher level of classification over a part of my notes. Let’s say I took notes on verb tenses, but then I realized all those notes were related to the “indicatif” mood, and thus wanted to nest them under a higher-level heading “Indicatif” and allow for other sister nodes.
So, something like ## Present, ## Imparfait, ## Passé Composé
becomes ## Indicatif ###Present ###Imparfait, ### Passé Composé ## Subjonctif ... ## Conditionnel ...
Proposed solution
Either a menu item or a command that would add an extra level to all headings selected. (Similar to the “Extract this heading” menu item.)
Current workaround (optional)
Manually adding a “#” behind all existing headings.
Related feature requests (optional)
I couldn’t find any.