Inconsistent shortcut behaviour on macOS

Steps to reproduce

I played around with remapping menubar shortcuts inside. macOS system shortcuts, in my example for Undo and Redo (e.g., Undo remapped to Command + Y and Redo to Command + Shift + Y), and found out about the confusing way Obsidian manages macOS integration when it comes to keyboard shortcuts.

  1. The remapped shortcut for Undo (e.g., Command + Y) works, but the default Command + Z shortcut also continues to function. interesting that in the hotkeys settings there is no option to set undo and redo shortcuts but you can see that they’re built-in, not relying on mac settings.
  2. The remapped shortcut for Redo (e.g., Command + Shift + Y) does not work at all, probably because Obsidian in some way relies on its built-in shortcuts that aren’t exposed. I’ve searched in the Obsidian hotkeys and for other commands in the menu bar, The shortcut combination isn’t being shared by anything and I can see the redo command flashing in the menu bar when I activate it so that’s not the issue.

Proposed fixes:

  1. Expose Undo and Redo in Obsidian’s Hotkeys settings to allow full customization.
  2. I think the best way is to remove all built-in obsidian shortcuts if they have an alternative in the usual macOS menu bar commands like undo and redo.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

  1. Show Native Keyboard Shortcuts in the Hotkey Settings
  2. you can search/open a feature request for that.


funny how you search and hope that there is a feature request for ur problem already, but you don’t find it and then you find out that there is one after you waste time writing it yourself.

but since I can’t properly reassign a shortcut that I should be able to I think this both qualifies as a bug report and feature request

plus I don’t agree with the guy saying that it’s okay to not be able to remap the shortcuts.

Can this be converted into a feature request or a bug report? Because otherwise I’ll be just copy-pasting text and creating duplicate threads.

You can copy paste the text for your second proposal and put a link here to your newly created thread.

heres the FR: Remove built-in obsidian shortcuts if they have an alternative in the macOS menu bar

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