Inconsistency in auto-width of embedded table

Steps to reproduce

  1. In file #1: Create a a table with long text in cell under a header.
  2. In file #2: Embed the header.

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Expected result

Expect that the embedded table auto-width adjustment is the same.

Actual result

Text in cell got broken not consistent as opposed to the original table.


	Obsidian version: v1.7.7
	Installer version: v1.7.7
	Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 24.2.0: Fri Dec  6 19:01:59 PST 2024; root:xnu-11215.61.5~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 24.2.0
	Login status: logged in
	Language: en
	Catalyst license: none
	Insider build toggle: off
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: adapt to system
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: on


Additional information

I remove the padding of the embed to see how the table format.

I play around with the CSS and see that add word-break: keep-all would solve the problem.

I don’t see this as bug. The whole embedded content is padded to highlight that it is embedded.

It’s not the padding in the embed the issue. I remove the padding to show that with equal editor width, table columns still don’t have the same width as the original table. You can see that the word “connectionless” is one word but in the embedded table, it is separated into connection<newline>less. It is inconsistency between the two views.
