In Ubuntu, obsidian://... URLs open the vault but not the file

Things I have tried

I found multiple forum posts on similar issues and then found Amir’s great blog on setting up Linux access to obsidian://… URLs. Thanks Amir

I also found this thread on investigating the libva error but it’s a very deep rabbit hole and I didn’t get very far. libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error,driver_name=(null) · Issue #1349 · intel/media-driver · GitHub

xdg-open obsidian://open?vault=infrastructure&file=Test

This opens the correct Obsidian Vault. Unfortunately,
It fails to open the target file
The following log messages and error show up

Loading updated app package 
Checking for update using Github
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() 
failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization

My Environment:

  • Google Cloud VM
  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • KDE Plasma desktop
  • ~/.config/applications/obsidian.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/opt/obsidian %u

Note: /opt/obsidian => /opt/Obsidian-1.0.3.AppImage

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to get Obsidian URLs working on Linux.
Eg. obsidian://open?vault=infrastructure&file=Test (infrastructure/ exists)

xdg-open obsidian://open?vault=infrastructure&file=Test

Successfully opens Obsidian to the correct Vault but then fails to open the file

Here’s Amir’s great blog on setting up Linux access to obsidian://… URLs. Thanks Amir

Path Correction: ~/.local/share/applications/obsidian.desktop

SOLVED! Looks like my problem was missing the quotes. With quotes this works
xdg-open “obsidian://open?vault=infrastructure&file=Test”

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That seems sensible since the ampersand, &, is used to trigger runming the job in the background, and then you just set an environment variable…

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