In a dataview list, for a given item how do you substitute the text in the link to the note associated with that item?

Things I have tried

With the table dataview you you get an equivalent outcome as follows:

TABLE WITHOUT ID link(, "Link") as Link, userDefinedField 

What I’m trying to do

In a dataview list, for a given item how do you substitute the text in the link to the note associated with that item?

Try Replace with file.path

TABLE WITHOUT ID link(file.path, "Link") as Link, userDefinedField 

Similar strategy but you can only list one thing about each file so take out the end of the line starting with “AS” and replace TABLE with LIST.
Note: if you did the rename above you would just get a list of many copies of the word Link, but all linking to different places.

Maybe instead your userDefinedField has values that are strings of text and you want that as the display text? Are you using FROM or WHERE to filter files such that you know userDefinedField will always be there and always be a string of text?

LIST WITHOUT ID link(file.path, string(userDefinedField))
FROM ...

Wrapping the value in string( ) is not necessary if you know your field’s value is always a string of text (and not a list or something) so I just put that there out of my own personal preference.

Good luck!

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This will do. I wanted to list the hyperlink with edited text, and the userDefinedField, but bundling the userDefinedField into the hyperlink is acceptable. Near enough is good enough in this case.


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