Importing HTML notes from a directory containing folders within folders etc

Hello !
And thanks for the community.

What I’m trying to do

  • I would like to import notes from another application that I’m using.
  • This application has the notes in the format of HTML,
  • And the notes are organised in a directory with a folder within folders within folders etc.
  • That are in fact a Finder multi level for the directory.

What I tried

  • Using the importer plug-in, I have important the main folder containing all the other ones within.
  • Beside a few errors, all notes were correctly imported into Obsidian.
  • Stored inside a “HTML import” folder in my vault.
  • However :frowning_face:, the whole multilevel directory was not imported.
  • Before I settle into the task of resorting at 10 level for the directory notes, I was wondering whether there was a way to import the notes in one time, while keeping the multilevel directory within obsidian.

Hi searched the terms importing HTML, but unless I am mistaken, I haven’t found a response.

Thank you so much for your help.

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