Import RSS feeds to notes

Until the Obsidian team and Feedly partner up and integrate each other’s API, would it be possible to make the inclusion of RSS feeds into Obsidian notes as easy as possible, without so much “select all” + “copy and paste”?

I use Feedly :newspaper: as a primary way to preserve the webpages or news articles I find interesting, and can only pay attention later.
I’m beginning to use to the subsequent phase: analyzing and summarizing what was relevant about those feeds.



Teach me how…


What ksandvik meant was that this supposed feature request is more of a plug-in request, which means it should be moved to the appropriate section of the forum.

Also, there is no public plug-in API for now, but it is planned for v1.0

Until then the team will be focusing more on improving the core functionality of the app, as you can see from the roadmap.

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