Image Cross-Reference

Is there a way to reference an image as we can do in latex as shown below:

    \caption{test image}


Similarly, we can do the same thing in markdown using html tags as in Jupyter Notebooks:

<img src="sample_image" alt="img" id="img_01"/>

[ref. image](#img_01)

Is there a similar feature here, as to my understanding Obsidian doesn’t support html tags for security reasons, or I am missing out something completely.

  • Obsidian v0.11.3
  • OS: Ubuntu

You can link to images by doing something like this: [[name-of-image.jpg]]. If you put an exclamation mark in front of the link, the image will be expanded (shown) when you are in “preview” mode (![[name-of-image.jpg]]).

That’s true, it works that way, but I was not looking for something like that. Please refer to the attached gif.


Is there a similar feature here, as to my understanding Obsidian doesn’t support html tags for security reasons, or I am missing out something completely.

Actually, Obsidian does support HTML tags. But I would recommend using links to blocks for cross-referencing images. It is not so elaborated as in LaTeX, where you can have captions and auto-numbering, but works quite well for this purpose.


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