Ignore accents/diacritics in search

+1 . Any updates on this request?

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Why on earth this isn’t implemented yet? Seriously.

Such an easy thing to add will make the software so much better. It’s insufferable to type in every search box in this state. One must always change the titles of every note or make two search queries for everything. Searching musica doesn’t trigger música, it’s unquestionable for a note taking app of this callibre.

This function is present in every other note taking/text processing software since decades, and Obsidian, having so many updates regularly, still lacks it!
I don’t know why, really.

Please consider to implement this.

Thank you.


In fact, among all the software I’ve ever used, Obsidian is the very first that I know it doesn’t have this common-sense feature.

Thank you.

Because, you know, just scan the feature requests category in this forum, check out the roadmap and the changelog?

+1! Would be much appreciated indeed!

+1 not only for Search but for the Quick Switcher as well (e.g. currently Command+O and typing “noel” doesn’t find “Noël”). Could be a preferences setting.


1+ for this feature please!

+1 my current workaround is to add words without diacritics at the end of the file name, can you imagine having all your notes named “Idées idees”, “Opération operation”? Please make this a priority. The thread was opened THREE YEARS ago and this should be pretty straightforward to implement!



Current workaround:
I am french so many of my note would have french accentuated characters is the title and content. For now my workaround which work for titles only is to make use of new properties feature and to create aliases for my notes without accents. This is time consuming and not relevant in a workflow but it works for my use case.

Title: Bioénergies
Alias: Bioenergies

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Just in case, an easier work around instead of putting them on the title is to use aliases.
For example in a note about “garantias” y add the alias “garantia”

That way you don’t ruin your titles, it’s still extremely tedious because when I want to cite the page it will usually use the invorrect version without the “á”, but it’s still better than putting on title

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It’s absurd and a shame for a notes app to not have implemented something as basic as search not ignoring diacritical characters. It’s the minimum of the minimum.


This is THE i18n issue with Obsidian… for those of us that use other languages it looks like a bug!


This is crucial, especially considering that certain languages have official variants of the same word with varying diacritics or none at all. Take “Île” in French as an example.

Additionally, I’ve submitted a related feature request highlighting a similar challenge with plural forms.

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The lack of this diacritic insensitive makes Obsidian very hard to use in multilingual environments.


It certainly seems like a BUG, because it’s incredible that in plain 2024 a text focused app doesn’t have this expected feature. I still can’t understand why doesn’t this get more attention to the dev team.


I do a lot of study on ancient languages, this feature would be invaluable.


+1 to add this feature, searching without accents would help a lot


+1 for this.

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Still waiting for this. I feel like it is a lack of inclusivity


I found this page again while looking for another question.

Just wanted to confirm: Omnisearch is the way to go for all of us “international users” (meaning non-English speakers, also known as “most of the world” :roll_eyes:.) It can be configured to ignore diacritics, and it works as expected (so searching for “idee” will find “idée.md”.)

It even has some other very cool features. It requires a bit of setting up, including replacing hot keys, but once that is done it just works. Highly recommended.