I want to populate all inline checkboxes icon in the vault using dataview like Eleanor Konik

Things I have tried

I am admiring Eleanor Konik’s dataview where she had all of her outstanding question from all the files in the vaults populated in one files. I have tried to copy Eleanor Konik’s dataview javascript code while watching her livestream with Nick Milo. But it seems like the code only works in earlier version

What I’m trying to do

So, what I am trying to do, is I want to populate the inline checkboxes and/or inline tags, into a table. I want every single inline checkboxes or inline tags have its own database using Dataview plugin.

If there is anyone that can help me to tackle the Dataview plugins for this matter, I would love to thanked you a lot

I’m not sure which video you’re referring to, but I’m hoping it’s this one:

And the section on adding icons near the end where she refers to this javascript:

This can however be done much nicer today, and it relies on the Minimal theme (or similar CSS) as indicated in the link below:

I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re saying here, but based on the video above, I reckon you want to list checklists using these alternate checkboxes (or task decorations as I like to call them). To do that you could use either of these queries:

List all checkboxes of a given type
WHERE status="?"

Where you can change the "?" to match whatever checkbox type you want.

List all checkboxes for a list of types
WHERE contains(list(["?", "!", "I"]), status)

Which lists all checkboxes with question, important or ideas. The list can of course be changed to whatever you like it to report.

It’s also possible to add your own icons to the checkboxes, but that is a somewhat more convoluted process, but I’m going to post that rather soon on the linked post above.

Yes, that is exactly what I watched and what I am looking for. Thank you so much for the help. I will try it soon

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