I moved the vault folder from the D drive to the F drive on the local disk of my computer, but neither the configuration file nor the third-party plug-in could be loaded

I moved the vault folder from the D drive to the F drive on the local disk of my computer. Then I reopened obsidian and selected the new vault path. However, my previous settings and third-party plug-ins failed to load. Is there any advice? solution?

If you moved all your files along with the .obsidian config folder (meaning: your vault) to a new location (regardless of what drive it is) successfully, it should work.
Obsidian will remove it from the vault list. You add it again from the new location and it should work.

The way I can imagine why it wouldn’t work is if you didn’t move the folder to the new location or something prevented this action (the files were unavailable for moving e.g. some cloud provider didn’t have the files ready in your local folder?).
This should be sufficient to go on investigating.

I found my problem, I misplaced the path and created a new .obsidian folder. thanks