I made an iOS Shortcut that puts highlighted text into my Dropbox folder linked to Obsidian

Hi all!

First post here. I created an iOS shortcut to put highlighted text in an .md file in Dropbox with a couple of opinionated choices.

Disclaimer: you need to use Dropbox as a location for your vault, obviously.

With this shortcut, I basically solved my only issue with Obsidian: article highlights when reading from iOS.

You can find it here: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/da62003990b946e382ca1b29d2e794ed

If you receive an error while opening this shortcut, you need to enable untrusted sources: https://www.macworld.com/article/3447279/how-to-allow-untrusted-shortcuts-in-ios-13.html

It will ask for the Dropbox path you want to save the highlights to. You need to specify the absolute path from the Dropbox root. Mine, for example, is Vault/Highlights/. Whenever you run this shortcut, it will create (if it doesn’t exist) a file called YYYY-MM-DD highlights.md and add the selected text to it. I added the “highlights” to the file name in order to avoid conflicts with the daily plugin.

Here’s my md template:

links: [[Highlights]] [[Inbox]]
tags: #inbox #highlights 

I use a GTD-like inbox like Nat Eliason’s in Roam, as shown here. That’s why I use the [[Inbox]] link. You can edit the template from the iOS Shortcuts App.

Here how I use it:

  • Read an article from Chrome or Safari
  • Highlight a text and press “Share…”
  • Select “Put in Obisidian”
  • Done!

Here’s a how-to video: https://imgur.com/gallery/baxTKtD

If you don’t have the “Put in Obsidian” action you need to enable “Show in Share Sheet” from inside this shorcut inside the Shorcuts iOS App.

Let me know what you think!