I have noticed an interesting rendering effect on a specific tag

Maybe somebody has an explanation for this?

IDK where “keywords” are defined in obsidian, but they seem to require a letter. The # followed by all numbers doesn’t seem to highlight. Without access to the source, I can’t tell you why that is technically, but I can explain why it is practically.

Practically, hashtags are designed to be used by humans to label and search documents. MacOS allows you to label a document by color, so I’m not going to criticize that, but perhaps #col-blue-night makes sense.

But, using a hashtag that is all numbers doesn’t seem to be supported, and I don’t think there’s a good use case for that. These are should to be human readable documents, right? If you are writing code, like CSS, then put it in a code block. If you are wanting to label a document by its color, then OK, macOS allows you to tag documents by color, so I guess people do that, but #red is probably better than #ff0.

Anyway, aside from the odd use case, I think the answer is that your tag requires a keyword, and keyword requires a letter, or at least it can’t be all numbers.


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