How to use date properity in dataview?

What I’m trying to do

Dataview has it’s Implicit Fields such as file.ctime and file.mtime.
But I set some properties in the md file.
(1) date_created : format is 2023/12/01 22:08:36
(2) date_updated : format is 2023/12/19 17:32:13

When I write code in dataview:
(1) where date(now) - file.mtime <= dur(3 d) => this code can work.
(2) where date(now) -date_updated <= dur(3 d) => this code can’t work.
(3) where date(now) - file.mtime <= dur(3 d) and date(now) - file.mtime > dur(0 d) => this code can work.
(4) where date(now) - test_review <= dur(3 d) and date(now) - test_review > dur(0 d) => this code can’t work, and shows the error info.

Dataview: Every row during operation 'where' failed with an error; first 3:

                - No implementation found for 'date - string'
- No implementation found for 'date - string'
- No implementation found for 'date - string'

I don’t really know if there something wrong with the format or the code is wrong? Could you help me to solve this question? Thank you.

Your format looks like a date, but is interpreted as a string by dataview since you’re lacking a T between the date and time, see date definitions. It’s very strictly following the ISO8601 standard, with the T separator.

So then the question becomes do you have many files with this date string? If just a few I would strongly suggest to use a compliant date format as listed above. If many files, there is an option to make dataview interpret the string as a date using the date(text, format), but this would require translating your date string each time you’re using it. I would only recommend that if you’re not able to (or can’t be bothered) to change the format of your existing fields.

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