How to use dataview to extract data from bullet points

Hi there - non-coder and first day on obsidian so bear with me

What I’m trying to do

I’m using the Zotero integration with Obsidian with the aim of evaluating and synthesising a bunch of medical papers for a literature review for my research project. I’ve set up writing templates that auto-populate when I “open literature note”, for me to note-take in. I’d like to take notes in bullet points, and ultimately want this to populate into a dynamic table using dataview. I’ve managed to figure out how to get dataview to extract info from subheadings when i use :: and type inline, but as aforementioned, I want to use dot points, not sentence form, and i would like to be able to view it all in a table.

this is is the code i’ve got so far

  title AS Title, 
  thesis AS Thesis, 
  theoretical_framework_and_method AS "Theoretical Framework and Method", 
  research_design AS "Research Design", 
  quality_of_evidence_used AS "Quality of Evidence Used", 
  findings AS Findings, 
  gaps_and_limitations AS "Gaps and Limitations", 
  future_research_suggestions AS "Future Research Suggestions", 
  connections_and_critiques AS "Connections and Critiques", 
  my_notes AS "My Notes", 
  target_audience AS "Target Audience", 
  country_conducted_in AS "Country Conducted In"
FROM "papers"

I’ll attach some photos of what my tables look like, sometimes the dot points show up and sometimes not

Things I have tried

I’ve scoured the forums (really have no idea how coding works so has been a lot of copy paste and chatgpt to modify codes haha)

I have tried the following code too

TABLE AS Title, 
  list(thesis) AS Thesis, 
  list(theoretical_framework_and_method) AS "Theoretical Framework and Method", 
  list(research_design) AS "Research Design", 
  list(quality_of_evidence_used) AS "Quality of Evidence Used", 
  list(findings) AS Findings, 
  list(gaps_and_limitations) AS "Gaps and Limitations", 
  list(future_research_suggestions) AS "Future Research Suggestions", 
  list(connections_and_critiques) AS "Connections and Critiques", 
  list(my_notes) AS "My Notes", 
  list(target_audience) AS "Target Audience", 
  list(country_conducted_in) AS "Country Conducted In"
WHERE contains(tags, "palliation")
SORT status DESC, read DESC

would be really grateful for a solution or workaround, obviously happy to use another plugin altogether, this was just the one i saw mentioned on Literature Reviews using Zotero & Obsidian | by Alexandra Phelan | Medium

thank you kind internet strangers!!!