How to use and link handwritten Notes

Hi All ,

Great new !! I just learned that it is now possible to hand-write notes in obsidian using the Excalidraw community Plugin. Zsolt (author of the plugin) has lately integrated an OCR capability as describe on the video below

Have fun !

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Ah, this is perfect. I can simply set different folders in my Obsidian vault as targets of my Rocketbook. Thank you for this tip!!

In the past year, have you developed any additional workflows for seamless tagging of these handwritten PDFs?

The Rocketbook app is supposed to have an

export .txt to filesystem

option but I just can’t see how to do it in Android. The menu option doesn’t seem to be there, unlike the iPhone app.

So I use an app called “Handwriting to text” instead. This does handwriting conversion better than the Obsidian plugins that I’ve found.

Handwriting conversion needs AI level OCR. Sadly, I haven’t found any AI OCR solutions that don’t use a cloud service to do this because unfortunately it’s only the likes of Azure handwriting OCR that can do it properly because they’ve taken the time to match handwriting samples to typed text, and that asset isn’t available open source (for example).

So let this be a warning that if you want to convert your handwritten notes privately and securely, it generally has to go through a cloud service first at the moment.

You could also check out a workflow I thought up as an experiment: Obsidian and Paper Make Good Friends: Analog Note-Taking and Digital Discovery

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