How to uniquely identify an Obsidian instance


I have an obisidan vault in a folder synchronized by Drop box across three computers. I am working on a plugin to add a tag to automatically attach to files created - this tag should help me later to identify on which computer a particular note was created.

May I ask if there is an API where I can get a unique ID for a particular Obsidian installation?

p.s. please, don’t focus on the use case (maybe such or similar plugin exists, I am not looking for a solution, rather for an api); I am exploring the space and there are several thoughts around my processes - but having a unique ID for each of my obsidians (on three macs) would be a great help.

Something like: Workspace.getUniqueId():uuid

thank you!

There is a unique ID associated with each vault (app.appId), but there’s no Obsidian-specific way to identify a particular device. You can try using the hostname (require('os').hostname())

thank you!

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