How to switch back links on automaticaly in new notes via template?

What I’m trying to do

For several reasons I want back links switched on on the bottom of a note automaticaly.

How can I tell the template to do so?

Things I have tried

I switched back link on in my templates but the new note does not reflect on it.



Is the setting below turned on?

Hello Hampton,
thank you for your advice!
Now it works fine!
It is very helpful for me because I use ‘pseudo links’ exensively. The reason is that this allows me to add pseudo links in a review scientific paper which includes a lot of definitions for this field. I ‘mark’ the expression with the pseudo link. In combination with the back link feature on I can see the definition in the preview. So I do not need to create files for the definitions. Lazy guy solution.
I previously asked for a ‘clean’ solution, but I think I could not make clear the benefit.
The real benefit would be if you hover over a pseudo link especially in the graphic view with a short cut like ‘Strg+Shift’ and you would see a preview from the place the link to the ‘pseudo’ target would be shown.
Anyway the back link automatically on allows me to click on a pseudo link, a new file will be created and I can see the source with the definition in the ‘preview’ line of the back link display.
This saves an always ‘extra’ click in this process. :slight_smile: