Hello Hampton,
thank you for your advice!
Now it works fine!
It is very helpful for me because I use ‘pseudo links’ exensively. The reason is that this allows me to add pseudo links in a review scientific paper which includes a lot of definitions for this field. I ‘mark’ the expression with the pseudo link. In combination with the back link feature on I can see the definition in the preview. So I do not need to create files for the definitions. Lazy guy solution.
I previously asked for a ‘clean’ solution, but I think I could not make clear the benefit.
The real benefit would be if you hover over a pseudo link especially in the graphic view with a short cut like ‘Strg+Shift’ and you would see a preview from the place the link to the ‘pseudo’ target would be shown.
Anyway the back link automatically on allows me to click on a pseudo link, a new file will be created and I can see the source with the definition in the ‘preview’ line of the back link display.
This saves an always ‘extra’ click in this process.