How to show local graph view like Obsidian Hub?


Can anyone tell me how to display local graph view on the top right hand side of the page like they do on the Obsidian Hub pages?

For example this Obsidian Hub page has a local graph, titled “Interactive Graph” on the top right hand side of the page and it has an “On this Page” content list underneath it.

I’d love to be able to open the right hand column (workspace) in my vault and see the same as the things in the Obsidian Hub.

Is it a plugin? Or a workspace layout?

Thanks for any help.

With a note in focus, open the local graph, and drag it to a sidebar. That should do it.


Thanks ariehen,

That worked nicely.

Do you know how I can zoom out the local graph?
I would like to zoom out a little to make it a bit smaller, but using my fingers on my mousepad to zoom out doesn’t seem to have any effect.

Using CTRL - makes everything smaller, not just the local graph.

Thanks again.

Using a MacBookPro trackpad, I’m able to two-finger “pinch” to zoom the Graph in and out when my pointer is in the tab.

A mouse scroll wheel works as well.

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