How to render a markdown link with Dataview or Dataviewjs?

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to use dataview or dataviewjs to display a list of notes(MOC) where I want each note to be displayed with markdown links instead of wiki links.

I can get it to work with wiki links, but with markdown links I will see the raw markdown, not the rendered one on the dataview output.

I am seeing [dispaly text](link), but I want to only see display text.

Things I have tried

I don’t want to use MOC plugins based on folders, and the MOC plugins that aren’t based on folders require to manually trigger a command to create the MOC and keep it up to date, and I want all to be automated, which I can with this dataview:

Wiki links Dataview:

TABLE WITHOUT ID AS "Note", file.mtime AS "Last Updated", length(file.inlinks) AS "Links"  
FROM ""  
WHERE parent = or contains(mocs,
SORT file.mtime DESC  

While it works it gives me very long wiki links, because I name my notes in a structure way, like: Posts - LinkedIn - Build in Public - My current workflow to write a PDF book with Obsidian and Pandoc. I do this structured file names to not have to worry about folder structure and to make it easier to use search and quick open files.

To avoid this long names in the MOC I am trying to display the note by using the alias, which is shorter. Check below my attempts so far.


"[" + aliases[0] + "](" + file.path + ")" AS "Note", file.mtime AS "Last Updated", length(file.inlinks) AS "Links"  
FROM ""  
WHERE parent = or contains(mocs,
SORT file.mtime DESC  


const pages = dv.pages()
  .where(p => p.parent && p.parent.toString() == dv.current();

let result = [];
for (let page of pages) {

console.debug("PAGE", page)
    // Safely check if aliases exists and is non-empty
    let title = (page.aliases && page.aliases.length > 0 ? page.aliases[0] :;
    let link = `* [${title}](${page.file.path})\n`;


In both I get the markdown link as raw text, instead of rendered as a link:

Example of a note frontmatter to be linked to the MOC through parent or mocs property:

# Note file name: "Posts - LinkedIn - Build in Public - My current workflow to write a PDF book with Obsidian and Pandoc"
parent: "[[LinkedIn Posts - Obsidian]]"
  - "[[LinkedIn Posts]]"
  - "[[LinkedIn Posts - Obsidian]]"
  - "[[LinkedIn Posts - Pandoc]]"
  - Write a book with Obsidian and Pandoc
title: Obsidian and Pandoc

As we can see in the image I get the raw markdown to display the alias, not the the file name, but the markdown link is in raw format, not rendered as a link: [Write a book with Obsidian and Pandoc](Posts - LinkedIn - Build in Public - My current workflow to write a PDF book with Obsidian and

Is this a Dataview limitation? Can I achieve this in other way?

The solution to my question:

choice(title, "[[" + file.path + "|" + title + "]]", choice(aliases[0], "[[" + file.path + "|" + aliases[0] + "]]", AS "Note", file.mtime AS "Last Updated", length(file.inlinks) AS "Links"  
FROM ""  
WHERE parent = or contains(mocs,
SORT file.mtime DESC  

Note frontmatter example:

parent: "[[LinkedIn Posts - Obsidian]]"
  - "[[LinkedIn Posts]]"
  - "[[LinkedIn Posts - Obsidian]]"
  - "[[LinkedIn Posts - Pandoc]]"
  - Write a book with Obsidian and Pandoc
title: Obsidian and Pandoc

Output example: