How to quickly mark WIP/in-progress task status(esp. with dataview)?

Things I have tried

I want to mark WIP/in-progress task status with speed. The official document says I should use the style below to mark WIP status.

- [?] taskname

problem: typing in mobile

I am currently using Obsidian in multiple devices; it is quite cumbersome to place cursors inside those brackets in mobile. As an alternative, I have been using tags and document link as status.

- [ ] taskname [[status-wip]]
# or
- [ ] taskname #wip

with this, I can use toolbar to quickly input status. however, changing from status to status still requires both removing wip tag and checking, which feels unnecessary and leaves artifacts sometimes.

moreover, Live edit/Reading mode view does not render WIP properly. it just appear as empty checkbox.

What I’m trying to do

Is there a way to quickly mark WIP/in-progress with just single click? if it is not viable with simple plugin install, could anyone provide me a sample script for Obsidian dataview task override for multiple status modification with single click?

I’ve had the same kind of issue with precise placement of the cursor on mobile devices, but I found a setup of the toolbar which made it a lot easier.

Here you see the cursor is before “Hi”, but now I can hit the leftmost < to move it left. In other words, use my finger to place it close to where I want it, and use the toolbar for better placement.

To configure the toolbar go to settings > mobile. My current setup is:

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Thank you for presenting a useful feature. I didn’t think about the cursor toolbar! this is really useful for another use case. However, I am afraid to say that this isn’t what I need at the moment. It still has more than 3 steps to actually make the input: cursor move + toolbar click + special char key.

In the same settings there is also two other interesting options related to commands. You are allowed to enter random commands into the toolbar, and you’re able to trigger a command on swipe down from the top.

Then this question becomes that of: Can a command be made to change the status of the task?

And I think that is possible. Either through use of a dedicated Templater template which changes current text (which possibly could be a little hairy), or through a Quick Add macro which changes current line (I think it can do that, not quite sure). I’m not sure if Dataview can actually change current line easily. But the two former suggestions I now can manipulate some data, and they can be turned into commands, which again would be possible to trigger using the toolbar or the swipe down.

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