How to preview contents of a Excalidraw or Canvas hovering over to study topics?

What I’m trying to do

I am learning obsidian and want to use it to learn/study a topic. I am a visual learner and mind maps is how I like to learn a topic. My current workflow is that I use AI to generate a mindmap for topics. I want to than add description/explanation/content to each topic. In a mindmap I want to see the overall map and when I hover over the topic (prefereably, if not possible clicking on it is OK as a second option) see a preview of the topic, almost like flashcards. How do I do this?

Things I have tried

I spent quiet a bit of time playing with Excalidraw and Canvas, and can not figure out if this is possible. I did not look at Excalibrain, may be thats an option?

thank in advance for any advice.

Noone huh?

canvas use:

turn on core plugin ‘page preview’
click into card to gain focus
hold down CTRL/CMD, hover over link

so you need to have links in your cards

Just saw this. Thank you. This is what I was looking for. Is there a way to change the preview window size? May be a setting, plugin or CSS?

Thanks again

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no idea
the only thing i know where you can change size is the hover editor plugin but there’s extra clicks to invoke that

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