How to open vault selector from command line on windows 10/11

Things I have tried

I tried to run this command on win 11 cli :


But didn’t work. Or didn’t work, or open last vault. Any suggestion?

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You are close. Use this instead…


Changing the vault= to the name of your vault. (Note the use of %20 for space characters)


I use it every day and I confirm, it’s:

C:\the_path_on_your_PC_or_MAC\Obsidian.exe “obsidian://open?vault=the_name_of_your_vault”

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@Flexit @willasm
I don’t want to open a vault in particular. I want open only the selector.

I don’t think you can, at least not easily. Obsidian uses the file obsidian.json to open your vaults. Easier to explain if I show you an example.

    "vaults": {
        "a179fe5a7cf0f399": { "path": "D:\\DATA\\APP_DATA\\Obsidian\\Programming", "ts": 1670708098766, "open": true },
        "e8e26f57e95a42bb": { "path": "C:\\Users\\William\\AppData\\Roaming\\obsidian\\Obsidian Sandbox", "ts": 1666589798427 },
        "6ebff3494854a96b": { "path": "D:\\DATA\\APP_DATA\\Obsidian\\PKM LM", "ts": 1666805591936 },
        "4127ccace54e4e78": { "path": "D:\\DATA\\APP_DATA\\Obsidian\\Workflows", "ts": 1666805392794 },
        "4721cd7178931fee": { "path": "D:\\DATA\\APP_DATA\\Obsidian\\obsidian_dataview_example_vault-master", "ts": 1668611266920 },
        "3698d2299d5deba8": { "path": "D:\\DATA\\APP_DATA\\Obsidian\\Plugin Development", "ts": 1670501087595 }
    "openSchemes": { "app": true, "vscode": true },
    "frame": "custom"

Note the , "open": true at the end of the first item. Obsidian automatically adds this to the last opened vault and will re-open that vault the next time it is launched. If you edit it to false, or simply remove it you will get the selector, but Obsidian will just add it to the next opened vaults entry.

See Here for more information.

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