How to move panels?

Hello. I want to know how to move the panels. I want to have the left sidebar next to the right sidebar and the notes panel in the right.
This is how I want to move:

Thank you.

you are better off moving the icons from the right sidebar (long press on icon of backlinks, outlinks, tags and outline) and drag them individually – carefully – over to the spaces between icons on the left sidebar and then when all done, close right sidebar

you’ll need to extend the left sidebar in the process by hovering the cursor over the right edge of the left sidebar and drag it right to have space to accommodate the transferred icons

before you do all this, you can use the core workspaces plugin and save your default workspace
and when done with the changes, again, save the workspace a different name

you can also have sections in sidebars: so when you drag a new icon or even a note to the bottom left side of the left toolbar, you will be given a new section again with a line where further icons can be drawn

you can do this on the right sidebar as well and populate various sections so have readily available information (of file properties, recent files, etc.) without having to click on icons to switch pane views

while you experiment, save your workspaces and load them up if you made some mistake
keep your most usable workspaces in the end

you can also make duplicates of search panels, etc. using the hover editor external plugin as someone suggested somewhere…

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Thank you for the response. I had already considered moving the icons, but my intention is to have two visible panels: one with tags and another with the list of notes. I didn’t know about moving the icon to the bottom, and that was very helpful.

Unfortunately, my intention is to have one panel next to the other so that the list of tags and the list of notes can be longer.

This is the result:

you can have a really elaborate setup with sidebars cut up into more than two sections to have default panes under icons and zoom out the whole window to better fit everything on one screen even but as far as i know the left sidebar is on the left and the right sidebar is on the right and in the middle you can have your main area for notes and tab groubs for split right and split down generated areas

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