How to mark sections within an obsidian note?

I’m a medical student and I use obsidian basically as I would MS Word. I have gigantic notes such as “pathology”, “anatomy”, “physiology” etc which have sections and subsections (kidney physiology, RAAS etc).

When I take a new course I tend to only update existing sections that the course touch upon. I would like to find a way to identify- and search for these specific sections prior to the end-of-term exams.

For instance, let’s say there are 200 sections on our “pathology” notes, but we need to mark the sections ##IBDs and ##Glomerulal diseases with an identifier like “Clinical medicine 1” to let me know these sections are part of the current course and that I need to study them in detail ahead of the exams.

Is there a way of doing this? I thought of using tags, but these only seem to apply to entire notes, not to sections/subsections within them.

Please note that something like the ##IBD section would itself contain subsections (###Crohns disease, ###Ulcerous colitis, ###treatment protocols) which themselves will contain subsections, multiple paragraphs etc.

Please note:

I really don’t care how Obsidian is “supposed to be used”. The purpose of notetaking apps is to support my style of notetaking, not the other way around.

Perhaps your use case can take advantage of section links or block links? For example, you could create a note for your Clinical medicine 1 class and then link to sections in your pathology note like [[pathology##IBDs]]. When you click the link it will bring you right to that section. You can also create a return link with [[Clinical medicine 1]] in you pathology note so there’s a visual that this section is important for that class.

I agree that tags would be difficult to use unless you could create a dataview that collections all the sections into one place.

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