I’m a medical student and I use obsidian basically as I would MS Word. I have gigantic notes such as “pathology”, “anatomy”, “physiology” etc which have sections and subsections (kidney physiology, RAAS etc).
When I take a new course I tend to only update existing sections that the course touch upon. I would like to find a way to identify- and search for these specific sections prior to the end-of-term exams.
For instance, let’s say there are 200 sections on our “pathology” notes, but we need to mark the sections ##IBDs and ##Glomerulal diseases with an identifier like “Clinical medicine 1” to let me know these sections are part of the current course and that I need to study them in detail ahead of the exams.
Is there a way of doing this? I thought of using tags, but these only seem to apply to entire notes, not to sections/subsections within them.
Please note that something like the ##IBD section would itself contain subsections (###Crohns disease, ###Ulcerous colitis, ###treatment protocols) which themselves will contain subsections, multiple paragraphs etc.
Please note:
I really don’t care how Obsidian is “supposed to be used”. The purpose of notetaking apps is to support my style of notetaking, not the other way around.