How to make a table with dataview with filtered items?

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to create a dataview table and filter the output based on a field.
Example: My fields are inline and I have blocks of data as seen in the two records example below concerning details about meetings.

Attended_by:: [[Bob]] [[John]]
When:: [[2023-03-31]]
Where:: "Room 301
Subject:: New widgets factory
Hosted_by:: [[Andrew]]

Attended_by:: [[Frank ]] [[Mary]] [[Bob]]
When:: [[2023-03-30]]
Where:: Room 205
Subject:: Sales Budget
Hosted_by:: [[John]]

Things I have tried

Say I want to see all details about any meetings that were held in Room 205.

I tried the following dataview query, but no results are shown.

Table attended_by, when, row.where, subject, hosted_by
where file=this.file
where row.where="Room 205"

I looked in the documentation, but I didn’t find a solution there.

Try changing where file=this.file to any of the following:

  • where
  • where
  • where contains(file,

Thank you. I tried the alternative ways that you suggested, but it still doesn’t work. I changed the “where” clause to the absolute path to my note and removed the second “where” clause. Thus, it shows me the complete table with both entries. I just cannot find a way to show rows selectively based on a field or fields of my choice.

Oh, I think I mistunderstood what you are trying to do. Are all the meetings in one file or multiple files?

All the meetings are in one file. They are in blocks in the same note as per the example that I gave earlier.

Are all of these in the same file?

My apologies for the time to reply. I had a problem with my tablet and I spent some time trying to fix it.

All the data is in the same file as shown in my example. I don’t know if this is the best way to record the data, but I also don’t wish to have a separate note per meeting.

The main issue with your query and keeping multiple meeting references within the same note is that instead of having inline fields with just one value, you get inline fields with multiple values.

This can be seen if you open up your query, like in:

TABLE attended_by, when, row.where, subject, hosted_by
WHERE file = this.file

If you are using the Prism theme, this’ll show up as:

This in fact one row of data (see the (1)in the upper left?), where all columns except the first have two values, one from each meeting. Also note that in the attended_by column, there is just one field which contains three links concatenated to that one field.

When dealing with lists you’ll have to start using stuff like contains(where, "Room 301") instead of the single value comparison of row.where = "Room 301". In your case, however, this will not make a lot of difference since this will not separate out all the other information related to that meeting.

Page vs list scope

There are two ways to split the meeting information apart, one is to have separate notes for each meeting and leave the inline fields in the page (or note) scope like all your fields in the example are. Separate notes would mean just one field per page. However, I do understand you don’t want to do that.

The other scope available, as of now, for dataview is the list (or task) scope. This does require more markup, so one variant of this is as follows:

- (Subject:: New widgets factory) – (when:: [[2023-03-31]]) in (where:: Room 301). [Hosted_by:: [[Andrew]] ], [Attended_by:: [[Bob]], [[John]] ]
- (Subject:: Sales Budget) –  (when::  [[2023-03-30]]), (where::  Room 205), [Hosted_by:: [[John]] ],  [Attended_by:: [[Frank]], [[Mary]], [[Bob]] ]

  item.Subject as Subject, item.when as When, item.where as Where, 
  item.Hosted_by as "Hosted by", item.Attended_by as "Attended by"
FLATTEN file.lists as item
WHERE file = this.file

Still using the Prism theme this displays as:

Do note that alternating between [field_name:: value] and (field_name:: value) respectively shows and hides the field_name from the output, while it still keeps the inline field as is. Also note that I’ve added commas, ,, in the Attended_by list to actually make that a list of attendees.

This output now presents two rows, since there were two meetings, and now you could have done WHERE item.where = "Room 205" to limit to one of the meetings, or doing WHERE contains(item.Attended_by, [[Bob]]) (or similar) to get meetings where Bob participated.

The visual appearance of each meeting could of course be dealt with using CSS. Personally I tend to make the field names a lot more anonymous and “hidden” in the surrounding text. (Not quite sure why that doesn’t apply when testing with the Prism theme here)

However, the main point is that using markup similar to the example you’re able to group the various meetings into different scopes which allows for queries to address them as separate meetings.

Meetings in the frontmatter

Yet another option where you could group meeting information together better than in the page scope, is in the frontmatter. It does however have its own caveats, like yet another syntax, and links not being properly treated related to renaming and out- and backlinks, and so on. The latter can be countered somewhat using a plugin which makes the link in the frontmatter behave a little more naturally.

Here is how your meetings could look if entered in the frontmatter:

- Subject: New widgets factory
  When: "[[2023-03-31]]"
  Where: Room 301
  Hosted_by: "[[Andrew]]"
  Attended_by: ["[[Bob]]", "[[John]]"]
- Subject: Sales budget
  When: "[[2023-03-30]]"
  Where: Room 205
  Hosted_by: "[[John]]"
  Attended_by: ["[[Frank]]", "[[Mary]]", "[[Bob]]"]

TABLE WITHOUT ID M.Subject as Subject, M.When as When, M.Where as Where,
  M.Hosted_by as "Hosted by", M.Attended_by as "Attended by"
FLATTEN meetings as M
WHERE file = this.file

The output would look the same as the previous.

So there you’ve got some more options, and explanations as to why you often see the recommendations to have meetings in separate notes as it greatly simplifies stuff, and how you still can have them within the same note and what that requires of the markup.


I’m sort of glad that you are not here to listen to my screams of joy and shouts of praise. Wow, wow, WOW!
You gave me two perfect solutions. Thank you for ever!

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