I’m trying to create a link to a pdf in my files so that when the link is pressed, it will open the pdf file in a separate window. I thought that this below would work, and while it is creating a successful link titled “Empathy and its Discontents”, it isn’t actually linking to anything in my files:
There was a previous forum post about the same thing, but I think the structure of the text was formatted for Windows users; I am on Mac, so it wouldn’t work for me. Brand new to Obsidian, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Assuming your Downloads folder is in its typical location as a subdirectory of your home directory, you can use the shortcut to your home directory (~) to create a link like this:
[Empathy and its Discontents](file://~/Downloads/ResearchPapers/Other/EmpathyanditsDiscontents.pdf)
If you follow these step which I tell in my previous massge, so I am assure you will able for link to pdf files. If you are interested for learning all methos and steps you should need to visit seotoolsystem.