Hi, I downloaded ‘Obsidian-0.8.0.AppImage’ on my newly instaled linux (Pop!OS) system.
Is there a tutorial how to instal Obsidian? Sorry, but I didn’t find instructions in the FAQ section.
Thank you in advance for your effort!
It’s like any other appimage nothing special, just give it execute permission and then click on it
Thank you for you quick answer! Sorry to be so uniformed but how can I do this?
Depends on the OS but iirc POP is ubuntu based? usually right click -> properties -> Permissions -> Allow executing or in the command line
cd folder/where/its/downloaded/
chmod ug+x obsidian-xxx.appimage
Cool, thank your! That worked! Can I move the appimage to another place (if I want to)?
Yes. AppImages can be moved anywhere you like! I moved from macOS to Linux, so I keep mine in an Applications directory in my home directory to mimic macOS.
Hi, I think I have a problem executing my AppImage. I’m new to Debian so I’m not sure what am I missing.
When I make the file an executable and double click, nothing happens. When I run in it in the terminal (by ./Obsidian-0.8.4.AppImage
), it returns the following error.
[810:0822/110317.866632:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(157)] The SUID
sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly.
Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make
sure that /tmp/.mount_ObsidifH9RAE/chrome-sandbox is owned by root
and has mode 4755.
[1] 810 trace trap ./Obsidian-0.8.4.AppImage
I’d really appreciate if someone could guide me in the proper direction. TIA!
Seems like a solution was found by Rhongo#1881 on discord:
So running with --appimage-extract
and manual chowning chrome-sandbox
to root:root and chmod to 4755 fixes the issue
I have tried executing .appimage on Puppy linux, but it just doesn’t work. Please look into this.
I had the same issue with Debian 10 today.
Error message read: [15783:1020/171730.403455:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(158)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I’m aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_Obsidi2tjJk5/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
I verified the setting on chrome-sandbox, 4755 and the --appimage-extract failed, invoking components but no app.
Solution: Try /.Obsidian-0.9.4.AppImage --no-sandbox
Worked for me.
Maintainers: I’m guessing its the invocation of chrome-sandbox and not its permissions that is the source of failure here. The interface appears to be working properly, so far as I can tell.
Hi there,
I am using Terminal on Chromebook with no Linux knowledge.
My file is in the Linux file however despite following the commands given it says it cannot execute binary file. I even found youtube clip saying to write sudo chmod a+x Obsidian-0.9.6.AppImage which did not appear to work.
I read that ACER is 32bit, could this be the problem?
Any suggestions please? Right click also does not work to enable permissions.